
Namaste and Welcome

Draupadi, my first traditionally published novel and my fourth work of fiction is now live in the market. The novel explores the tale of this iconic heroine of Mahabharata as a true empress that ruled over ancient India. Do grab your copies from your nearest books stores or from Amazon.

Mauri, my third work of fiction is live on Amazon. Mauri is the second book of Abhaya collection an explores the story of the daughter of Mura in her quest for revenge against Krishna Vaasudeva and her encounters with Ghatotkacha.

The Sample chapters of both the books, Abhaya and Mauri can be downloaded from here.

My second novel “Avishi – Vishpala of Rigveda Reimagined” has been optioned by a major production house in India! Hope to see “India’s answer to the Wonder woman in a screen soon.

I  blog about history, culture, books, classical literature, Telugu poetry and at times on politics. You can also read my published articles.